Thursday, April 05, 2007


Gopher Poop

Gopher poop I tell ya. Not only does the little rotter have the nerve to have dug a tunnel under my doorstep, but it is using the step as a spot to stand and watch for danger. Whistling on my doorstep and pooping all over it. Man do those little buggers poop a lot. DH has been given the job of gopher patrol and is supposed to look after it. The only good gopher is a dead gopher, at least when it comes to my doorstep.

LMAO! What a funny post!

Sorry about the poop.

I say go fer it.

*puts on rabbit ears and hops through blog*
Give Bill Murray a call :-)
Bunny poop is the best fertilizer ever. Maybe gopher poop is too?

Around here we still have a gopher bounty. I think you get $1 for every pair of gopher forepaws turned in to the county.
Maybe you can make some necklaces and sell it to the Americans.
I've never seen a gopher. Are they as cute as a Mercat?
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