Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Happy Valentine's Day!

A sweet and cheery day to all on this February 14th. I can't believe how the days get away from me - I don't even seem to notice them passing. I am reading your blogs, I just don't seem to be able to get through them and comment as well. A lot of that has to do with stinking dial up internet - it just takes so long to do anything.

Overall I am feeling well, and I hope you are too. While we are in a small deep freeze weather wise just now, it does not compare to the weather I see occuring in eastern Canada and the States! Hope you are all keeping warm!

Lately I started reading the Dark Hunter series of novels by Sherrilyn Kenyon so I have been snuggling under my special blanket a lot and feeling really decadent.

Once more, Happy Valentine's Day.

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