Saturday, March 24, 2007


Spring Update

I’m looking out the window. Does it look like spring to you? It looks like spring to me! If the inevitable happens and we get a spring snow storm, it won’t be so bad, cause IT’S SPRING!

Youngest DD and I spend an hour sitting on the side of the road waiting for AMA to show up. As we were driving home, I began to feel like my car was tilting to the right and, no sooner did I think that, than the right rear tire blew out. So I pulled over and debated the wisdom of getting out in the mud and changing the tire and decided a man in coveralls being paid to do it was the best option. There was hardly anything left of the tire, it was so shredded. Good thing I got the warranty protection when I bought this set as it only cost me $20 each for two new tires (the garage wanted to keep them in matched pairs) so the original $5 charge saved me another $80 per tire. Good deal.

The graduation dress for older DD arrived, and when she tried it on, I cried. She looks so grown and adult. Then she opened her mouth and ruined the whole effect. I will only have to do a minor adjustment on the top, once she gets the right bra to wear with it, so I am considering myself lucky.

I am tossing out some cans of cat food I had in the cupboard. They aren’t on the recall list, but they are one of the brands made by the company that has the bad food. The peace of mind is better if I just chuck it and stick to Meow Mix dry. No canned treats for them right now. I feel so bad for those folks who have lost their pets to this mess.

I hope you’re all well, and I am reading your blogs, just not commenting of late. Love to all.

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