Friday, October 27, 2006
This is the view from my back door this morning. It's heavy and wet and the power has flickered off half a dozen times already. Hopefully it doesn't go off for a long period of time. Our provider is pretty good about getting the lines cleared when it is sticky wet snow, so we will see. I, meanwhile, will just be spending most of the day under my blanket. What great timing! And how obvious is it that I haven't finished putting away the summer stuff yet? Are you at least having a good weather day?
In a totally non related topic, I understand that this little critter is coming to live with us:
Presently he is at the agricultural college in town here. They have a vet assistant course, and over the next month he will be spayed by a vet and the students will assist and do follow up care as part of their course. Oldest DD has already applied to adopt him and paid the $40 they charge, so I guess in a month he will be here. Currently he is being called Phantom, but DD doesn't like that. She is leaning towards Gerard, but if you have any suggestions, I will pass them on. I like Charlie or Bailey, but DD doesn't. It remains to be seen what Juanita, queen kitty of the house, will think of all this, but I'm sure she won't be impressed.
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Good lookin' fella. I've heard that cats like names with long vowels in them. Such as: Charlie and Bailey.
Survey, you wanted to know why Thursday night shows were repeats. I think it could be because of the baseball World Series.
Snow is so pretty when it's in someone else's backyard, isn't it?
Cute kitty, but that band around his neck looks so tight! *winces in sympathy*
Cute kitty, but that band around his neck looks so tight! *winces in sympathy*
Funny, my yard looks just like that! It's been snowing here for three days! Blech! I love snow, just not in freaking October!
Stay warm Survey! *hugs*
Stay warm Survey! *hugs*
Please send some snow here! It was 75 degrees whilst I was out running errands! However, it is QUITE nice to not have to run either the a/c OR the heat! Just like Goldilocks says.. it's JUST right!
Yuck! We've had a few flurries, but nothing like that, thank goodness. I'm really dreading winter this year. *sigh*
We're pushing 70 here on the East Coast, which is unusual for this time of year.
Cute kitty! But wouldn't he be neutered instead of spayed?
Cute kitty! But wouldn't he be neutered instead of spayed?
All that snow - so early. It was almost 70 here Monday. Now it's 40ish and rainy.
Want to put in my "woohoo" on the feeding tube not being necessary yet. That's great news!
Nice looking kitty there!
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Want to put in my "woohoo" on the feeding tube not being necessary yet. That's great news!
Nice looking kitty there!
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