Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Brief Update

This week's appointment went well, I thought. DH was off due to rain & snow, so he did the driving to the city and came along to sit and wait in the waiting room till 2 hours past the appointment time. Anyway, since I have only lost another ten pounds over the last two months (and could still stand to loose a few more) the doctor feels that at this point I am still managing to consume sufficient calories for average body mass. So the feeding tube question is off their agenda until next year. Yes! It was nice to have DH with me, as when he is along, there never seem to be any of those nasty surprises that jump up when I go to appointments alone. There is likely some sort of rule about that, I just don't know it.

Now, just to make sure I don't miss out in jumping on a recent bandwagon:

My baby picture!

So glad things went well at your appointment! Yay for you!

What a cutie pie you are there. I still have to find and scan my old pics. I'm a procrastinator. ;-)
Ohhh! I love your baby picture. I just want to hug you (then and now). I like the little curl on top of your head, too.

*big sigh of relief re: the doctor's appointment*
I think we're related. I need to find a baby picture of myself and post because we really look a lot a like. My goodness you're cute. *grin*
Cute! I love the outfits everyone had back then!

Such good news about the feeding tube!
I think zombs just called me old?

I have seen some of those old outfits, and I believe the nylon overlay on the dresses was highly flammable. Also, I think my mother had made this one, as she did most of my clothes when I was little.

I want more baby pics. I am prowling the blogs looking for more, you guys.
That is good news Survey! *HUGS*
Such a cute baby picture. I also love that curl on top of your head :-)

I may be able to post some pictures from home this weekend. We'll see.
Incoming email Survey!!!
I'm so glad to hear things went well with your appointment. {hugs}
Yay for no feeding tube for the rest of the year!

I like your sensible baby shoes, lol. People were really big on properly fitting baby shoes once upon a time. It's like we all had bound feet or something. I love the careful finger curl too - like that old rhyme:

There was a little girl and she had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good she was very, very good,
And when she was bad she was horrid!

But you're always good, right?
Wonderful news, Survey. I'm glad DH was able to be there with you. *hugs*

Cute pic!
Not only good, Swami, but I could come up with references (and I'm not talking work life here).
I like the expression on your face. It looks like you're about to make a wisecrack.
Beautiful baby pic! Glad the news was good, Survey.

Awwww, so cute! I just want to smooch all over your cute little cheeks! :-)

Glad the news was good, sweetie.

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