Thursday, August 17, 2006


Thursday Meme

Meme: Pick any 3 things that you remember from your kidhood (ages 0-18) and describe them. This could be anywhere from people you were around a lot, to a certain family vacation, to a certain moment that you remember. Be creative!

Bonus Question:
Where did you grow up (location-wise)? Did you like it? Do you still live there? Why/why not?

1) I remember when I was about 5 or so, being in the kitchen with my mom while she was punching down the bread she was making. The kitchen windows had little wooden apple pulls on each one, and I was telling her I was going to eat her apples and pretending to take a bite out of one. She flew across the kitchen and caught me up and spun me around, laughing, and we both ended up covered in flour from her hands.

2) At 18, driving back to the motor vehicle office on a little Honda 200 motorcycle, knowing I had passed the driver test and would be getting my license. I still have that license and haven't been on a bike for over 20 years.

3) Coming home from school at 6 and finding a serviceman at the house installing the new black & white TV and antenna system. He finally got a show and it was a Mighty Mouse cartoon (Here I come to save the day, Mighty Mouse is on his way)and I have been hooked on television ever since. I still watch cartoons too.

Bonus: I grew up in Manitoba and when I was 22 I visited a friend in Calgary, Alberta. On the way home from that trip I considered my future, as I still lived with my parents, and saw that if I moved 60 miles from my home to Winnipeg, I would be home every weekend with my laundry (and my mom would do it) or I could move 700 miles away and do things myself. I ended up getting back, giving my job 2 weeks notice, renting a small uhaul trailer and moving to Calgary. There weren't a lot of times that I ever questioned my decision, and I did do it by myself.

Now it's your turn!

1) I remember as a child, my Dad coming home from fighting fires. (he used to be a fireman). I would remember the smell of the smoke and to this day whenever I smell a fire, it brings me back to my childhood.

2) I remember being in a Tony Lama store in Texas one time and my Mom was trying on boots. She pulled too hard to get the boot on and ripped one in the middle of the store. I'm sure she would appreciate me noting this on the internet.

3) I remember moving from SoCal to NorCal and it devastating my life. I have never recovered from that move even though I am glad that I live here and not there. I know...get over it.

4) for the most part I grew up in Northern California. I've been here since I was 11 years old and it is now what I consider home.
This is a hard one - because I have too many great memories of my childhood. I don't know which ones to pick!

1. A dad memory. He died when I was barely 20 so all my memories of him are childhood ones. I remember him waking me up at 2 a.m. so we could go lay on the front lawn and watch a meteor shower - the Perseids & the Aeneids were favorites. He taught me the names of all the constellations and first magnitude stars and how to locate them.

2. A mom memory. I remember when she came to the first Open House at my elementary school when I was in First Grade. I asked her to dress up because I wanted to make a good impression, lol. Dayam - she had on the smartest suit you ever saw! With bright red lipstick, a gorgeous hat and white gloves. My mom was a gorgeous woman and I never felt more proud of her than when she put on her best for me. And? She turned on the charm. Everyone fell in love with her. All the kids were wowed; all week they kept telling me how beautiful and nice my mother was. I felt so proud to be her daughter!

3. A me memory. I remember playing on the Niagara escarpement. We owned a little strip of it, from top to bottom, and it was filled with wildflowers and great trees, and all sorts of fossil rocks. I went there every day I possibly could - with friends or by myself. It was my happy place. I especially loved it when the carpet of Trout Lilies bloomed. Perfect, little yellow flowers shining in the dappled light.

I grew up in Southern Ontario, left to go college in the U.S. when I was 16, and never lived there again. But my mom lived there all her life (until 1999) so I have visited often over the years.
Oooh! Fun! ...but I'll have to think about it. I'll be back later. :)
Carey-smells can transport people in a heartbeat.

Swami-I remember my mom in that dress up attire too, the red lipstick, gloves and hat. I even have a few old snaps like that.
Yay for might mouse!

Hey carey, I will now think of your mom everytime I pass the Tony Lama boot at the big shoe place near us.
I absolutely love your first memory. I can just picture it. What a terrific memory to have.
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