Saturday, July 15, 2006


What would you do?

This story caught my attention. After moving in, this lady discovered someone was living in her attic. Shade of too many horror movies- Get out of the house, the calls are coming from inside! If you read the article, at the end it says

" Ms. Peña said she won't feel sure the intruder has left until a few nights pass without additional noises. In the meantime, she said, she isn't worried.

"I'm pretty fearless," she said. "It's more a desire to make sure my kids are OK. I've got a mother's courage, I guess." ".

Now, maybe I'm just a coward? But keeping the kids safe does not seem to me to be accomplished by waiting to see if he comes back. I'd have been out of there with the first weird sounds and police would have been coming back with me, not telling the squatter to move out. Oh, and dead bolts. Lots of dead bolts. This lady has a bigger set than me, for sure. What would you do?

Bats in belfry? Try stranger in her attic

Now I've heard everything!

The whole situation is unimaginable to me. I'm still thinking WTF?
How about a little 24-hour surveillance for proof? How about changing the locks and double locking the windows? Yes, unimaginable is the word.
I say he could claim his rights under the old Texas Homestead Law.

But to answer your question, of what would I do? Pretty much not take a wait and see attitude, I can tell you that much.
I would do what Monsty would do.
Do you think a judge could make him pay rent for the time he was in the attic?
Cattle prod! Cattle prod!
Can you believe she didn't call the police the first time she went up and saw the evidence of someone living there? what an ass she is. *shakes head*
She may have a bigger set than you do, Survey, but she has a way smaller brain.
It's happened before.

Fortunately, this scoundrel was later nabbed at a Delaware resort posing as his former housemate.
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