Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Ticket Update

So the girls at our local registry office (motor vehicles) told oldest DD she should appear in court on her scheduled day and plead guilty to speeding but explain she was a student and the fine was a hardship. Apparently a lot of them do this. So she did, and when the judge asked her why she was asking for a reduction, she replied that she did deserve the ticket, but as a student, it was a huge fine. As a result, the judge dropped her one level so instead of $120, her fine was $89, and she got one less demerit on her license.

Had that been me, there would likely have been jail time added on.

Michelle is an expert on tickets. She got 3 in a 6 month span. She got out of one because the cop didn't show up to court. One was taken off her record because she did traffic school.
Now she drives like a granny and I hate it.
People probably say that I drive like a granny LOL.

I've never had a ticket or an accident. *knocks on wood*
Why would you get jail time too? Do you have a bunch of tickets to your credit? An irresistable urge to badmouth authority figures?

I've had 2 tickets. One was out of state and thus did not get put on my record. The other was right down the road in one of those mass traffic stoppage speed trap things. Ten cop cars, tickets for every unsuspecting person who rounded the curve when one of the ten cops was not busy writing a ticket for someone else.

I still think I wasn't even speeding! But it didn't go on my record either because in MN if you have a clean driving record they give you a bye on one ticket per year. It's a nice loophole. But I've never had another ticket.
My last ticket was just over 2 years ago. The trooper said I was going 86. No. way. I admitted to 75, which of course is still speeding. If I'm good until next year, it's off my record. Last ticket before that was 1991, when I got two within 10 weeks.

This incident made us dump Geico (who goes solely by police reports; stoopid gecko) for Progressive, which charges us less anyway. :-P
If you hate the driving Carey, you just have to do it yourself. Or send her out with nookie.

Swami-Somehow, despite my best of intentions I am one of those people for whom no good deed goes unpunished.

But Cyg, I still love the geico gecko commercials (free pie and chips).
I don't know about where the rest of you live, but here, they have cameras at certain busy intersections. The camera take a picture of you if you run a red light. You're sent the photo and the ticket in the mail.
But I don't like to drive. *pout*
I just like to criticize other people's driving.
Puffy, those cameras got ruled unconstitutional or something in MN, because the a traffic ticket should be issued to the driver of a vehicle, not the owner. Cameras that read the plates ticket the vehicles owner.
They use the cameras all over up here. Called Multinova by some, cash cow by others.

When you get a picture of your plate with the ticket, maybe you could send them a picture of your cheque?
Excellent! I went to court for two tickets. One I got out of paying one by saying I'd do community service & wearing a short skirt (the ladies at work suggested I do it because the judge was a known perv). Wrong of me, I know. That was in MN.

In WI they are less entertained by reductions, etc. I got a small reduced amount by going once, but they wouldn't remove any of the points.
Good for DD. I won't talk about my own experiences because I will jinx myself.

As a side note, Carey should definitely NOT do all the driving and Michelle does not drive like a granny. Carey is Krazy. In case you didn't know that.
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