Friday, July 07, 2006


The Perils of Pauline

Well, yesterday was a totally new experience. Would you like to hear? Too bad – I’m gonna tell you anyway. First youngest DD and I headed to Calgary in the early afternoon for a little bra shopping for her. Three new bras from LaSenza later, we went for supper (Chinese) and then on to the camp orientation meeting. It began at 7 in the evening in a business building, 3rd floor and was pretty much over by 8. Leaving, we pushed the elevator button, got in and pushed main. The elevator went down, and when the main light came on, it gave a lurch and a shudder and then refused to open the door.

Well, this is not a big problem, right? There is an alarm button and a telephone call box. So we pushed the button and picked up the phone to call. Now the problem starts. The call goes to hold and a recording. After 10 minutes, we kind of figured no one was going to pick up the other end. So we pushed the alarm button for a while. Repeatedly. And. again. And no one responded.

Working my way around the little metal box, I finally got one bar to show on my cell phone and called 911. The connection kept fading, but held on long enough to tell the operator the address, though when she asked which elevator we were in, I did say “The one with the closed door that won’t open”.

Now the fire department gets sent out and they bring an elevator service man with them. They call through the closed door to DD and me, and assure us we will be released soon. Finally the elevator begins to move, and goes back up to the 3rd floor, where the door actually opens and we immediately jump off. The cleaning lady in the hall seems surprised to see us, and when we ask where the stairs are, she tells us we can’t use them after hours without a key. The only way down is in an elevator. Obviously, we took the other one, and not the one that had been our home.

So one hour after the start of our little adventure, we got released. Man, do you know how hot it can get in a little metal box? But we survived and met two cute firemen and were finally able to head for home, even if we were running an hour later than we intended. Thank cod neither of us is claustrophobic.

One of my recurring nightmares is getting stuck in an elevator. I'm glad you were able to get a signal with your cell phone. It could have been hours or overnight!
I think that would have been the perfect opportunity to climb out the trap door in the ceiling of the elevator, just like on television and in the movies! That would have been fun!!!
Oh man! I would've freaked!!!

Wow. I think I would have freaked a little bit.
I'm really grateful I'm a kind of laid back, calm type of person - cause it really wasn't pleasant- no point getting upset if there isn't any blood or fire involved.

and HD? We did look at the roof. But it had a metal grill over the lights and we couldn't see any door behind that. But you know you watch too much TV when you actually look.
That? Does not sound like fun.
Wow! I'm glad you finally got a bar on your cell phone! Getting stuck on a Friday means maybe they wouldn't have found you until a Monday. That thought would have started freaking me out right away!

I hope you reported the stupid roll-over emergency phone to the Canadian Department of Elevator Standards & Safety.

Also, I would have threatened the cleaning lady with something sharp and made her walk me down the stairs with her key. Sheesh!
But who's Pauline?

(You are sooooo dramatic)
Look for my picture in the dictionary under Pauline, Drama Queen, lover of poutine.
And Swami-I didn't think of being there until the next day-thanks for the visual.
It's a shame you weren't stuck with some super hot guy.

You should rewrite your blog entry with that story.
Eek! Thank goodness you were able to use your cell.

Many moons ago, I got stuck in the elevator at my apartment building on my way into work. Someone came to my rescue after about 10 minutes. However, when they pried open the doors, the elevator was halfway between floors so they made me climb out. I was wearing a skirt LOL. NOT FUN!

I would have lost my mind. I am so claustrophobic that there are times I have had to pull over and get out of my car. I actually have an appointment Thursday morning to speak with someone about it.

I am glad you guys were able to keep calm and get out of there quickly!
I ROFLMAOed through the whole story, but I'm sure it didn't seem like it at the time!

Reminds me: last time I ever saw my first GF, she was working in the lingerie department of Macy's.
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