Thursday, July 27, 2006


Local Attractions

The house is still too quiet, so yesterday older DD and I went for a drive. We checked out a small camping ground just a few kliks away and sat in the sun there for a while (and I have the pink chest and arms to prove it). DD roamed around some and I read for a while, then we had lunch and travelled on.

Off to the big attractions. *snort* We stopped off in Torrington to go through the Gopher Hole Museum. This is definately one weird local attraction and there had to be a dozen people going through it at the same time as us. So on a mid week afternoon, they actually have traffic. Local folks on display as gophers - and you can recognize the local buildings you have just driven past.

Perhaps Nutz and the RV crowd need to check this out.

LOL Survey! I want to visit this museum! I want my own gopher effigy too, lol.

FYI, (in contradiction to what the story on the museum claimed) there is a store in Hastings MN where you can buy actual posed, stuffed cats. People buy them to set by the fireplace and creat a "cozy" atmosphere.
That place looks weird! But just to cheese off PETA, I'll visit it. :-)
That's weird. *snort*
You must have really been bored at home!
Anytime Swami-you get up here, we'll go see the gophers.

And Puffy? I said this summer I was going to see some of the local things that I never get too or think of. That's the class this falls into.

P.S. Arkie-the albino gopher's glassy pinkish eyes-now that was weird.
*puts Gopher Hole place on my list*

Did you see Pamela Anderson picketing outside the place?
I think I am going to get a gopher tattoo. *grin*
Survey-smart idea to see local attractions. So many of us neglect to do that. How many New Yorkers have been to the Statue of Liberty or Empire State Building?
Puffy? I thought we'd settled this. The Statue of Liberty is in Noo Joisey! *grin*

I've never been there. :P
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