Monday, May 01, 2006


Fast Growing

My babies are growing up! My oldest DD has a thing about needles and has always insisted I be there for any. But today she is going to the dentist for a filling, and while at first she asked me to come hold her hand for the needle, when this morning finally arrived, she announced that there was no need for me to make a special trip to town just for this and she would be fine alone. (She did add that she might get a girl friend to go to the appointment with her, but wasn’t sure yet.)

This will be her first needle without her father or me in attendance. I am sure my hand is permanently cramped from being squeezed over the last couple years, especially during all the tests and treatments for Hodgkin’s. This seems to me another road sign on the highway to independence, even bigger than the first boyfriend, and occasionally I get glimpses of the adult developing though all this. That adult promises to be a well rounded, fair and likeable person, but does she really need to be in such a hurry to get here? And how could this all have happened – surely there has not been enough time between this and that little bundle I brought home.

At least I still have the youngest to be my baby for a little while longer – although she has been making noises lately about being able to get her beginner’s driving license next February.

Life happens while we are looking in the other direction. We cannot possibly keep tabs on all of life's vectors at once. Things happen and suddenly we realize time has passed and our lives had been added to, or subtracted to, if that is the case. Time gives and time takes away, in ways we cannot possibly quantify.
Are you saying I'm getting old? Cause if you are, it is one of the nicest ways I've heard it expressed.
I can totally relate. DD is 17 (18 in August, yikes!) and DS is 14 (15 in July).

*sigh* How did they get this big, this fast?

This is part of the reason that I don't have kids. I wouldn't let them leave the house until they were 21.

Did she call at the last minute to have you meet her?

While it's sad and scary to watch them grow up, you have done a wonderful job!
So, what happened with the dentist today? And I really like Monsty's comment.
Awwwww *hugs* You should print out what you wrote and put it in a scapbook for her to read when she's much older.

She did it! She says she used the dental chair as a substitute for me and tried to poke her fingers through the arm, but she did it all by herself.

Then she rooted through the cupboard I hide things in until she found my stash of Cadbury Cream Eggs and ate it by poking her fingers into the filling, so maybe she's not quite ready to move out.
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