Friday, October 27, 2006

This is the view from my back door this morning. It's heavy and wet and the power has flickered off half a dozen times already. Hopefully it doesn't go off for a long period of time. Our provider is pretty good about getting the lines cleared when it is sticky wet snow, so we will see. I, meanwhile, will just be spending most of the day under my blanket. What great timing! And how obvious is it that I haven't finished putting away the summer stuff yet? Are you at least having a good weather day?
In a totally non related topic, I understand that this little critter is coming to live with us:

Presently he is at the agricultural college in town here. They have a vet assistant course, and over the next month he will be spayed by a vet and the students will assist and do follow up care as part of their course. Oldest DD has already applied to adopt him and paid the $40 they charge, so I guess in a month he will be here. Currently he is being called Phantom, but DD doesn't like that. She is leaning towards Gerard, but if you have any suggestions, I will pass them on. I like Charlie or Bailey, but DD doesn't. It remains to be seen what Juanita, queen kitty of the house, will think of all this, but I'm sure she won't be impressed.
Friday, October 20, 2006
The Incredible Power of Hugs
I picked up a UPS parcel yesterday. Nookie told me it was coming, that it was just a little thing she was sending. Nookie lied. It was so much bigger than the box it was packed in. It was big enough to hold you all.
The first thing I found was a card and the plush Carmen banana. Reading the words in the card touched my heart (Nookie can turn a phrase like no other). Then I looked further and found the blanket in the bottom. First, it’s a dark wine-ish colour – one I am particularly fond of. Second, it had a little teddy bear with a heart embroidered on it, with hugs around. But most magical of all were the names embroidered all over the blanket. I touched each name as I read them (so if you felt a ghostly goosing, sorry about that). Wow. Just. Wow.
At this point, words fail me. There is so much I would like to say, but the ones that come to mind are: Thank you. So now I have a very special hug when I snuggle under the blanket from some of the most incredible people. Again, thank you. And since a picture is worth a thousand words:

The first thing I found was a card and the plush Carmen banana. Reading the words in the card touched my heart (Nookie can turn a phrase like no other). Then I looked further and found the blanket in the bottom. First, it’s a dark wine-ish colour – one I am particularly fond of. Second, it had a little teddy bear with a heart embroidered on it, with hugs around. But most magical of all were the names embroidered all over the blanket. I touched each name as I read them (so if you felt a ghostly goosing, sorry about that). Wow. Just. Wow.
At this point, words fail me. There is so much I would like to say, but the ones that come to mind are: Thank you. So now I have a very special hug when I snuggle under the blanket from some of the most incredible people. Again, thank you. And since a picture is worth a thousand words:

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Brief Update
This week's appointment went well, I thought. DH was off due to rain & snow, so he did the driving to the city and came along to sit and wait in the waiting room till 2 hours past the appointment time. Anyway, since I have only lost another ten pounds over the last two months (and could still stand to loose a few more) the doctor feels that at this point I am still managing to consume sufficient calories for average body mass. So the feeding tube question is off their agenda until next year. Yes! It was nice to have DH with me, as when he is along, there never seem to be any of those nasty surprises that jump up when I go to appointments alone. There is likely some sort of rule about that, I just don't know it.
Now, just to make sure I don't miss out in jumping on a recent bandwagon:

My baby picture!
Now, just to make sure I don't miss out in jumping on a recent bandwagon:

My baby picture!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Wednesday Hump Day
Yesterday was a very nice day, thank you for all the good wishes. Tonight DH will be bringing chinese food home for supper as he is on course in the city for a couple days. So until supper gets here, how about a little meme?
Would you rather:
1. have five years of pretty severe bad luck knowing you'd have relatively good luck for the rest of your life OR have your bad luck spread throughout your life?
2. mix everything you drink with sour cream OR squirt lemon juice on everything you ate?
3. cluck like a chicken whenever a phone rang OR lick your lips whenever somebody mentioned food?
4. only be able to hold your head straight up, as if looking at the sky OR only be able to look down towards your feet?
My responses?
1. Spread throughout - too much bad at one time would be just too much.
2. Lemon juice - at least it wouldn't sit in the bottom of the glass and curdle into a big lump.
3. Lick my lips - since I do already.
4. Look down - no telling what I might find, and if it rains my glasses won't be as wet as if I was staring up.
Would you rather:
1. have five years of pretty severe bad luck knowing you'd have relatively good luck for the rest of your life OR have your bad luck spread throughout your life?
2. mix everything you drink with sour cream OR squirt lemon juice on everything you ate?
3. cluck like a chicken whenever a phone rang OR lick your lips whenever somebody mentioned food?
4. only be able to hold your head straight up, as if looking at the sky OR only be able to look down towards your feet?
My responses?
1. Spread throughout - too much bad at one time would be just too much.
2. Lemon juice - at least it wouldn't sit in the bottom of the glass and curdle into a big lump.
3. Lick my lips - since I do already.
4. Look down - no telling what I might find, and if it rains my glasses won't be as wet as if I was staring up.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble
This coming weekend (Oct 9) is the Canadian Thanksgiving. I may not be able to eat all of the foods I cook, but I sure as heck will cook them (and have dinner over early on Sunday so I can watch all those great new Sunday shows). Got the butter basted turkey in the freezer and the sweet potatoes on hand, a bag of cranberries to make sauce from - lots of pickles and tomato juice. I love the big turkey dinners and so do my kids. We won't know till a little later this week if a few friends will be coming by for the meal also, but there will be plenty for all. Then Monday will be leftovers, which in it's own way, is just as good as the original dinner. Then Tuesday will be out 19th wedding anniversary.
Once these milestones have all gone by, I will be going for an appointment on the 16th, and I will make a decision about that PEG thing. Not like I have a whole lot of choice as to whether it happens, just about the timing. But thank you to all who gave me words of encouragement. They always seem to be there at just the right time for me. I love you all.
Once these milestones have all gone by, I will be going for an appointment on the 16th, and I will make a decision about that PEG thing. Not like I have a whole lot of choice as to whether it happens, just about the timing. But thank you to all who gave me words of encouragement. They always seem to be there at just the right time for me. I love you all.